The biggest mystery in Star Wars: The Bad Batch is what makes Omega so special to perennial Star Wars villains, especially the Empire. In this case, she’s an “unaltered” clone of Jango Fett, meaning she is source of future genetic material for cloning. Yet, knowing what fans do about the Emperor’s ultimate plan, perhaps what really makes her special is that she’s Force sensitive?
After Palpatine returned, somehow, his cloned bodies were unable to contain his Sith-derived unlimited power. It’s implied in The Mandalorian that something in Grogu’s DNA is a crucial part of solving that particular problem. In fact, Dr. Pershing said that he’d worked with beings that were Force sensitive before. Perhaps, what truly makes Omega so valuable to future efforts is not just the unaltered DNA she carries, but the fact that she’s somehow Force sensitive. In Episode 6, “Tribe,” The Bad Batch offers viewers the biggest data point in favor of this theory. However, like Omega’s unaltered status, it could just be another reference to the larger Star Wars universe.
Omega Had ‘A Bad Feeling About This’ and Rescued a Jedi Padawan In Trouble

Since Obi-Wan heard a million voices cry out and be silenced, the Force is a medium for a kind of communication. The saga reinforces this by showing that people with deep connections — like family members or Jedi partners — can sense when there is pain, fear and anger. Thus, Omega telling Echo that something is “off” about the location of their current underworld deal could just be a reference to the running “bad feeling about this” gag in Star Wars. She sensed that there was trouble, only to find someone relatively equivalent in age to her being tortured.
The rest of Clone Force 99 are clones who have “superpowers” in some form or another. Wrecker, for example, is stronger and more difficult to kill than most clones. Crosshair pulls off shots so impossible, Marvel’s Bullseye would be jealous. All of them have unique skills, and Omega is no different. Yet, her powers are a little less clearly defined. It’s possible Omega is picking up that sixth sense some soldiers have when danger is close, but it seems more likely that she’s responding to something that even she doesn’t quite understand. Regardless, she walked right to where she was needed in order to rescue Gungi, which strongly hints at force sensitivity.
There are also moments where she doesn’t seem intuitive like a padawan, such as when Gungi is frightened of the clones. Yet, the Force has always been partly intuitive and partly learned. Omega may not even understand that she’s tapping into the Force, especially since no one ever talks about it. Of course, maybe she’s not Force sensitive, at least not in the way Star Wars fans think about it. Omega’s connection to the energy field that surrounds us, penetrates us and binds the galaxy together.
Clones being unable to touch the Force like a Jedi was established early on in what is now Star Wars Legends and the official canon. Yet, in the very first episode of Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Yoda gives a beautiful monologue about how different in the Force each one of them is. It flows through all living things, and the clones are very much alive. In fact, it almost doesn’t make sense that none of the few million clones of Jango Fett in the Republic’s army had Force sensitivity. However, after seeing the capabilities of the Jedi firsthand, even without the machinations of the Sith, Kaminoans would’ve wanted to be able to give that power to their products.
If the clones of just a single bounty hunter who is useless without his jetpack are formidable, imagine an army of them that could hurl things with their minds. In fact, perhaps the reason Omega was given that name is that she represents the end of the clones Star Wars fans knew. She is something more, and while she may not be about to touch the Force herself, she may have a precursor of some kind for that ability. Her Force sensitivity might be more like Leia’s, a kind of passive ability to sense intention and influence others.
Whatever her connection to the Force is, the Empire is after her for more reasons than just her being an unaltered clone of Jango Fett. After all, in just a few years, the Empire routinely worked with one of those, but Omega is special for a different reason. Even if she is just a receiver or transmitter for Force sensitivity, it makes her exactly the person the Force needed to save everyone’s favorite Wookiee padawan.
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